Dr. Kerr Background and Education
After graduating from BYU with a Bachelor of Science degree, Dr. Kerr chose to attend dental school in San Francisco and graduated from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, and chose Lodi, California to start his practice.
Dr. Kerr loves to learn new things and has participated in ongoing dental education throughout his career.
He is a member of the LDS Academy Dentists, whose motto is “education should never stop”. This group was organized by Dr. Gordon Christenson, a foremost leader in the field of dentistry. Because of this, he can obtain some of the world’s best dentists to participate as teachers in a yearly event on the Brigham Young University campus. Dr. Kerr has never missed one of these two-day meetings and was given an award for thirty-five straight years of attendance.
The California Dental Association has semi-yearly conventions where doctors attend classes and have a chance to talk with vendors who are promoting their products.
Dental Seminars and Symposia has an annual Hawaiian Dental Forum in Hawaii. Dr. Kerr attends every other year for two weeks of intense study in many areas of dentistry with exports from around the world.
Local one or two-day classes in places such as Monterey and Sacramento. The San Joaquin Dental Society also has classes throughout the year.